
February 11, '21 - Literacy Minnesota Literacy Minnesota has a new set of free training sessions that provide useful insights, tips and tricks when teaching students all English Levels and people studying for citizenship. We're highlighting 4 training sessions, but feel free to check out Literacy Minnesota's  complete training calendar or self-paced online courses. If you attend any of the sessions,  let us know what you think! Click to access registration information for the 4 training sessions.
February 4, '21 - Zoom Scheduling
   Do you find yourself creating a new 
Zoom meeting every week?  
   An EASY solution is to schedule a  
Recurring Meeting with No Fixed Time 
Your student uses the same link 
every time--no need for emails 
to update the link.
  Here's how to do it:   
    1.  Check the Recurring Meeting Box 
and beneath that choose the recurrence.  
    2.  You'll want to choose No Fixed Time.  
You will no longer have to choose a day, 
time or once a week.  
  Click to access the visual aid.
January, '21 - Tech Thursday Welcome back to our Spring 2021 Session!  We are sharing a YouTube video created by one of our tutors, Dan Curtin.    This video, TEACH Webpage, gives you a tour of TEACH's Website.  There are other TEACH videos available to peruse and can be found by searching YouTube for TEACH Empowers.   Feel free to share TEACH videos with your students and anyone else who may benefit.  Happy Tutoring!
December, '20 - Professional 
Development Meeting
~ Spend some time catching up 
    with other tutors and our staff
~ Two Zoom meetings
     December 7th, 9:00am - 10:00am
     December 10th, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
~  Agenda
       Name BINGO*
      TEACH News
       Feedback Breakout Rooms
       Holiday BINGO
  *Please have pen and paper 
    handy to play BINGO
~  Zoom meeting information was 
    emailed to you
    If you need help or the Zoom 
    link please contact
   Leslie, Cathy, or Amy
~  For more information click here

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