Tutor Lesson Log and Monthly
Student Attendance Report
We ask that you keep a
TEACH Tutor Lesson Log
for each of your students.
You can either print it out
or type on it and save it to
your computer, whichever
is easier for you.
We will collect your log at
the end of the Fall, Spring,
and Summer Sessions.
At the end of each month,
you will need to tally up the
minutes/hours you tutored
your student for that month
and also complete the Google Form:
Monthly Student Attendance
Report with your hours.
Links to documents
~ Monthly Student Attendance
Report FY23/24
~ TEACH Tutor Lesson Log FY23/24
* Word Document
* PDF Document
Let us know how we can help you
with this new process.
We are always available to talk.
Thank you for supporting TEACH
and our students!
Leslie Singel Amy Smetana Cathy McCabe
Prog Manager Prog Manager Prog Manager
630-217-0396 708-968-7023 630-248-9594