Arab American Family Services

Return to Index 9044 S. Octavia Bridgeview, IL 60455 Phone: 708-599-2237 Fax: 708-599-8229 Website link Frequently Asked Questions Is this organization recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals to practice immigration law? Yes Does this organization ~ Have attorneys on staff? Yes ~ Consult with private attorneys? Yes ~ Coordinate pro bono (free) services with private attorneys? Yes (based on the case) ~ Serve a particular clientele? Open to all ~ Charge for services? Yes ~ Have income guidelines for determining fees? Yes ~ Charge on a sliding scale basis? Yes ~ Charge a flat fee for specific services? Yes Intake Hours Hours   Does this organization ~ Accept intake by phone? Yes 708-599-2237 ~ Accept intake by mail? No ~ Accept intake by fax? No ~ Accept intake by email?No
What languages does this 
 organization's staff speak? 
Arabic, English, Polish and Spanish
What geographical area does 
this organization cover? 
Chicagoland area - South and 
Southwest Suburbs

Services Provided
N-400 application for naturalization Yes
N-600 application for certificate 
      of citizenship Yes
N-648 medical disability waiver No
N-565 application for replacement 
     certificate Yes
Family-based immigration 
I-130 alien relative petition Yes
I-360 self-petition (including VAWA) No
I-485 application for adjustment 
      of status Yes
Consular processing Yes
Waiver applications (I-212 and I-601) No
I-751 petition to remove conditions 
       on residence Yes
I-131 application for travel document Yes
I-765 application for employment 
    authorization Yes
I-90 application for replacement 
     green card Yes

Other Immigration Benefits
Asylum, U visas, T visas, DACA (renewals only),
1-730 refugee/asylee family petition
I-129F finace petition
Representation before immigration 
   judge or Board of Immigration Appeals
Bond hearings, removal proceedings/defense 
   on merits, relief from removal, motions to 
   reopen, appeals to BIA
Representation in Federal court
Habeas petitions, petitions for review, class actions